Here is Our February Issue (a Day Early)
Wow! Feeling proud. Ready to inspire. Prepared to inform. And, looking to YOU to help build a world we all want for our kids.
Monday, February 6th, 2023
Dear Readers of The Vashon Loop,
We’ve done it! Wow. We are so proud of our February Issue! And what a tremendous effort it took, this time around, LOL. The February Issue is now revised, completed, edited beyond belief, aligned, gray-scaled, moved, adjusted, tweaked and all around done! Off to the printer she went, early this morning, and tomorrow she’ll cross the wind-swept Sound, on her way to dozens of businesses on Vashon Island who are eager and pleased to share The Vashon Loop with their staff and customers.
What a wildly busy week! How was your week? Oddly intense, or no? Sometimes one has to wonder if we’re all energetically connected a bit more than we tend to think? Well, one way or the other, we made it to today! Scroll down and click on the link to see our newest issue…a day early!
Publishing a community newspaper is no small feat, and we tip our collective hats (once again!) to our predecessors. Despite the work, we are thrilled to have the opportunity to bring the voices of our fellow men and women forward into the light, for the benefit of YOU, our readers.
And today, after the week we just had, we would like to reflect briefly on our luck, as an Editorial Team. We, five friends, saw a need, an opportunity, and we dove in...trusting that we had what it took to get the job done. We were right, but that’s an accident worth mentioning BECAUSE we hope you, our fellow readers, writers and thinkers of the world, will consider following in our footsteps.
Yes! One of our dreams is to see community newspapers popping up all over the country. For so many reasons, locally owned & operated community newspapers are a key ingredient for a healthier future.
Here’s a question to consider: “Who owns my local paper?” Do you know the answer? If you’re like us, a year ago, probably not. And that? Well, that’s a problem.